The first time I saw a swim workout on paper I thought I was reading a foreign language. Add in following a set by the clock and it was enough to throw me into a panic. I was a lifeguard in high school and lasted on the WHS swim team for less than a week... Early morning practices and wet, chlorine ridden hair just wasn't my thing at the time. So, it was to my surprise that I was offered the assistant swim coach position when I was hired to teach math and science at Bryan High. I hesitantly agreed and was under the impression that I would be adding a much needed set of hands, and would incur only a handful of extra hours to my schedule. Oh how young and naive.

Swim team activities began before the school year even started. Now most people think of a school pool as an indoor, basement, dungeon of a setting. The Bryan Aquatic Center, however, was an outdoor facility located caddy corner to the high school. It was a year round pool that was home to the Bryan Viking Swimming & Diving Team.

As someone with a disorder that worsens with extreme weather, temperature, and especially sunlight, it is easy to say that it wasn't the wisest move when I accepted the position. The swim season ran from August to February, the longest of any high school sport; also meaning I got to enjoy all four seasons outside rain or shine. I distinctly remember one early morning, 6:30am, winter practice where I stood by the pool for two hours in 30 degree weather. Did I mention it was POURING rain the whole time? The swimmers had it lucky on those days... The pool stayed a toasty 80 in the winter, and the steam rose up and condensed on my face into a dewy, cold mist. The rest of the day was spent teaching with cold, wet feet and numb, tingling hands. Even with two pairs of socks, boots, gloves, scarf, down coat, and a hat, I just couldn't stay warm enough!

For as many awful days, there were just as many wonderful days. The kids were indescribable. Funny, witty, and incredibly smart. They kept me on my toes and made the job worthwhile. At first they would get frustrated with my incompetence of swim knowledge, but slowly they grew to know me and with it came the gift of patience and understanding. I learned more about swimming during the last year than I have ever learned in my life. Drills, techniques, dry lands, and even creating my own sets. I eventually lived up to my adorned name, "Coach P".

With that being said, I want to continue my learned love for the sport of swimming. While I spent most of my time out of the water coaching this past year, I thought it was the right time to jump right in and make a splash with this new school year starting. And so, while my swim kids will be preparing for their upcoming season, I will be spreading my wings (or fins?) for the first time as an avid lap swimmer.

Swimming is quite possibly one of the most health beneficial exercises. It is easy on the joints which is especially helpful for me. One of my goals for this semester is to create a consistent exercise routine which includes lots of yoga and swimming. But, being the ex-swim coach that I am, I decided to max out my gear and build the perfect swim bag to start of the plan right. Now, you don't have to have all this equipment to have a successful lap swim session, but this is the equipment that I believe will best maximize time and effort spent in the pool. My swim bag is complete, and I am more than ready to start my routine at the UH Recreation & Wellness Center on the first day of school when my membership is finally activated!

Steph's Essential Swim Bag Swag

-Swim Suit

-Water Bottle

-Mesh Bag


-Hand paddles

-Pull buoy

-Kick board



-waterproof MP3 player 

-Mesh Shower Caddy

-Flip Flops


-Hair Brush



-Face wash


-Change of clothes

-Hair Ties


And an easy workout to get started!

Pull warm up uses your arms only, so use a pull buoy to keep the bottom half of the body afloat. Use a kick board for kick warm up. You can even alternate using fins or paddles during the main set!

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